martes, 22 de octubre de 2013

Dreams of fame ?

Why people dream of being famous? most of us when we were kids we dreamed of being a celebrity and live in luxurious mansions, buy cars and travel around the world. But, is fame what would make us happy?

Although all treat you well, being famous does not mean you're happy, sometimes it can be tiring and stressful. You have a huge responsability, being famous. In adittion you are in the public eye all the time. On the other hand, being successfut but not as well-known is better, you can do whatever you want and be happy with you lifestyle.

Despite all the disvantages of being a successful person but not as well-known, I would chose living in that way. It's my belief that happines is not only in fame and money, the happines is in those little moments that you enjoy doing what you like most.

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